7_Zip 15.05 beta for Windows

Download 7_Zip 15.05 beta (2015-06-14) for Windows//

7_Zip is a windows application compression and archive r for multiple stages. It features high-compression ratio using L M Z A compression and A E S_256 Hidden investment for file Hidden investment.    

 7_Zip supports different file formats for packing and unpacking which includes 7 z, ZIP, G ZIP, B Z I P 2, TAR, A R J, CAB, CHM, C P I O, DEB, D M G, H F S, ISO, L Z H, L Z M A, M S I, N S I S, R A R, R P M, U D F, W I M, X A R and Z formats.

It can also acquire archive files such as Z I P, T A R and G Z as well as create T A R and G Z archives. Unfortunately, it doesn’t support R A R files like other archiving software such as Win zip.

Download Link
32_bit /x86
X86 / x64
Any / x86 / x64
7-Zip for 32-bit Windows
7-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64 (Intel 64 or AMD64)
7-Zip Extra: standalone console version, 7z DLL, Plug-in for Far Manager
7-Zip Source code
LZMA SDK: (C, C++, C#, Java)

Images 7_Zip 15.05 beta for Windows//

1 Response to "7_Zip 15.05 beta for Windows"

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